Well, I guess that some people will want to see the face behind the game - so here goes - let me introduce myself. I'm Steve Strongman and I'm happily married to Veronica and have 3 boys aged 10, 8 and 6.
We have been working in church youth groups for about 15 years and have a passion to help people learn more about the bible. Not only that, we want to help equip families to play together, laugh together and grow together and believe that this can best be acheived by following Gods guidelines.
Dads - be Dads and make sure you are there for your children and your wife and make decisions for their sake not yours.
Mums - be gentle and kind and patient and be supportive of your husband
Kids - honour your parents.
It's not that simple, but hey, I'm just sharing for now and what better place to start off?
I look forward to sharing more of our vision as God continues to reveal it to us. I hope you enjoy sharing our stories, opportunities and successes as we continue to bring a contemporary and relevant message to a world that desperately needs more of God.